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Dwight Raatz
May 10, 20141 min read
The Truth of Senses
Do we make ourselves blind so we don’t see the color of skin? But we could still hear and know the dialect, the language. We would still...
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Dwight Raatz
Oct 9, 20126 min read
A Defining Moment
In November of this year, I will be traveling to Peru to take part in several shamanic ayahuasca ceremonies over the course of eight...
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Dwight Raatz
Apr 11, 20129 min read
Greater Than The Sum
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the concept of being “in love” with someone and how it differs from being personally or intimately...
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Dwight Raatz
Oct 28, 20104 min read
A Letter to Charlotte
As I am wading through my historical writings, I came across this letter I wrote to a friend of mine who is also an intuitive...
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